Canon 5D Mark IV 1/25/17

January 25, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

I recently bought the Canon 5D MarkIV. I had been using the Canon 7D MarkII. The 5D has a resolution of 30.4

compared with  20.2 of the 7D. I have only had the opportunity to take a few shots of birds, but I have noticed the difference in detail and sharpness of my photos.  I was always hesitant to use high speed continuous shooting with the 7D when shooting RAW because the mirror slaps open and closed with each shot - this temporarily affects the AF.

With the 5D, I can switched to Silent continuous shooting drive mode where the mirror is locked up. Also, I love the 

 touch screen, particularly for image review where I can pinch and zoom to see image sharpness in a particular area. I don't shoot a lot of video; I heard the 5D isn't the best for video. As I continue to use the camera, I'm certain to discover more features that I like or not.



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