Moon St. Paul 3/2/18

March 01, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

I thought about making this photo all winter, but it was just too cold for me to stand outside at six in the morning. I waited for it to warm up and set

up my rig a half hour before sunrise at Mounds Blvd. overlooking St. Paul, MN. Once I was happy with the composition, I started taking different exposures and finally used a thirteen second exposure for the image.

At home, I took the image into Photoshop and made a selection of the left side, copied it onto it's own layer, edited it to flip it horizontally. Now I had the curving arc of lights and part of the bridge on the right side of the image, creating a symmetry.  I then used a layer mask to hide the upper part of the symmetry.

I decreased the highlights with Adobe Camera Raw, made a selcetion of the central buildings and used NIK Viveza to increase the structure and brightness in this area. Next, I made a selection of the upper half of the building with the first sign - used the transform tool to make it larger and the move tool to position it.

I brought an image of a moon into Photoshop, made a selection of the moon, positioned it in the main image, scaled it smaller and decreaed the opacity.I used NIK Color Efex Indian Summer to saturate the lights, and NIK Darken/Lighten to add a slight vignette.  I liked it. Whew!


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